stumak acid was speed /thrash /punk/ noise metal before these genres really got mixed together. the trio comprised of peter burke, who resolutely refused to be known as a singer – preferring to be described as a ‘vocalist’, raman rai, who knew no chords, but could play his no chords, loud, fast and heavy, and myself on fuzz bass. the lyrics tended to be whatever crap had been thrown at us at school that day and then ad libbed in a sneering and condescending manner. sadly no known recording exists, but i still remember, by heart, some of the lyrics:
©mcmvxxxvii nathan jones & peter burke
scientists say…
eat chips, full of protein
get fat
drink water
die of chlorine
eat eggs, full of nutrition
die of salmonella!
die of swimming in the sea
die of eating food
die of anything you want
die of something rude!
yes, that’s the whole song.
Peter Burke
Raman Rai
Nathan Jones